Name a bench or table in the tulips!

How this story began...

A few years ago, we were contacted by the close friend of a woman whose mom loved springtime at Wicked Tulips Flower Farm. She said she enjoyed her visits here, and that the friend wanted to memorialize her in a special way.
Soon after, Peggy's Bench was installed at our Exeter farm for all to enjoy. It will be able to be visited every year by family, friends and others who will now know how Peggy brought sparkle wherever she went.
"Peggy absolutely loved going to the tulip farm, it was her favorite event every year. She would sit and watch the kids and flowers, she would buy bushels and hand them out when she got home...She was such a bright colorful and loving woman who was loved by so many!

Details & Pricing
Give a very special gift or tribute that lasts year after year.
Benches are 4' long and comprised of a durable, recycled blue material with a metal, dedicated name plaque on the back. Adopting a bench also includes two Anyday U-Pick Tickets. One time cost $450.
Picnic Tables are 6' long and also includes a name plaque and four Anyday U-Pick Tickets. One time cost $750.
We only have a limited quantity of these available, so if you are interested, please contact us directly with your inquiry at

We can also prepare for you a customized digital certificate to notify a gift recipient of their special bench or table.