
April 21th, 2024 Again we got more rain as expected yesterday... The rain has made our field and walking paths more muddy than we like. We do our best to dry it our with straw and mulch. Please wear appropriate shoes today!

The tulips are looking great!! I took this picture this morning :)

April 17th, 2024 This weekend is going to be gorgeous! I think we can say that upcoming weekend will be the most colorful weekend. Some of the earlier varieties are gone, the Mid blooming tulips are all blooming and many many late varieties just start to bloom. I took these pics this morning :) All this green is going to pop color by this weekend!!

April 10th, 2024 We had a beautiful opening day! Tomorrow (Thursday) we expect a couple showers. The fields are for 90% dry and not muddy. Avoid the low areas where water collects, because it will be soft and muddy at places!


April 22th, 2023 EXETER Farm is now closed. Our Preston CT location (30min from Exeter) is open and our Johnston RI location opens next week.
April 17th, 2023
It will be the last week open at our Exeter location. The benefit of coming the last week of the season is that our show garden is in full bloom! And the super tall French Single Late tulips are finally blooming.
This week you will see some areas which are picked over and the early tulips are colorful but not good for picking anymore. But we still have at least 100,000 beautiful tulips for picking! The field is more colorful as during our first week open, because in the the early season you see lots of green tulips which haven’t flowered yet.
April 16th, 2023 We had a wonderful weekend with very happy people! We are in our last week in Exeter RI. The field still looks beautiful! It does has some areas which are picked over. The early tulips got hit hard with the hot weather, they are still colorful and great for pictures. But not for picking. Luckily we have a ton of beautiful late blooming tulips, some rows are just starting the show some color! We plan to stay open at least until Friday April 21st. We are not sure yet about the weekend. Pictures below are from Sunday evening 7pm.
April 13th, 2023 We have a beautiful weekend ahead! We still have some tickets for sale - we added some to the inventory!
April 11th, 2023 Everyday more color at our Exeter RI farm - Parrot Tulips, Peony and Lily shaped Tulips and many more unique tulips you never seen before!
April 8th, 2023 My son Kees visited today and we had lots if fun together :)
The tulip field is gorgeous
April 7th, 2023 We had our Grand Opening today! And an amazing sunset! We are open 7 days week 10am to 7pm. The tulip field is gorgeous right now! We recommend coming sooner then later(Easter Sunday we are closed)
April 7th, 2023 We got lucky with an amazing sunset tonight!
April 6th, 2023 - Beautiful day today!
April 5th, 2023 Soft Opening Today! Almost all the row cover is off, and the fields look so vibrant. Weather ahead looks really good and our Grand Opening is Friday, April 7th.
April 5th, 2023 More and more color in the show garden!
April 5th, 2023 Our U-pick field is popping like popcorn. Friday, most of this green will be in bloom!
April 3rd, 2023 We open in two days!
What's a soft opening? It means our fields are partially in bloom, with most early varieties in full bloom. There are over 150,000 early tulips and a huge portion are ready to pick. Because these early beds are just a portion of our total field, we'll be selling fewer tickets, and the experience is more intimate and quiet. While the farm is very pretty, it is not yet the picturesque "wow" we consider the full Wicked Tulips experience.
March 31st, 2023 More and more tulips are ready to pick! However, the field is still looking pretty green... We want to “wow” everyone who visits our tulip farm! We open when 30% of the flowers are blooming. We are monitoring the field every day - and hope this happens in the upcoming week! We are definitely not opening this Monday or Tuesday. Stay tuned!
March 28, 2023 Tulips (and many pretty tulip leaves) on a drizzly morning - tulips love rain! Opening day is coming soon!

March 21st, 2023 more tulips starting to bloom! This one is called Secret Perfume :)
March 19, 2023 - Video (First Blooms🌷🌷!)
March 8th, 2023 The early varieties are growing fast, even with the cool temperatures of last week.

March 1st, 2023 Almost 6 inch snow...
Feb 24th, 2023 Kees and Jeroen are checking the progress of the tulips. Some varieties are already 4 inches tall!
Jan 30th, 2023 it looks like snow, but it is our floating row cover. We finished applying the row cover on almost 5 acres!

Jan 25th, 2023 We filled more the 1500 sand bags... Good that Kees came to help us!
Jan 20th, 2023 Today, we put our first floating row cover over the tulips. The purpose of this blanket is to force the tulips in bloom 2-3 weeks earlier.
Jan 20th, 2023 Bella is tracking deer scent... we have lots of deer problems this year at our Exeter location. They are digging and eating the bulbs! And these deer don't seem to mind our electric fence...
Oct 21th, 2022 First day of planting. We started extra earlier because we have 3 farms to do!
Sept 9th, 2022 We are very happy with our new investment, a rock picker! Before we plant the tulips we cultivate the soil and use this rock digger to take out all those pesky New England rocks!
May 8th, 2022 Our EXETER RI Farm is NOW CLOSED
Visit Our Preston CT farm! It is in full bloom for the next 7-10 days. Check our Preston CT bloom report here and buy tickets here.
May 7th, 2022 Update 5pm EXETER IS NOW CLOSED. "We have bad/sad news. Our Exeter tulip field is looking very picked over and many of the nice tulips left are yellow. We decided to refund all ticket buyers of Sunday May 8th.
May 7th, 2022 5pm most of the field looks “picked over” there are still thousands of tulips. But there is now “wow” feeling anymore.
May 5th, 2022 This beautiful double pink tulip is just ready for Mother's Day. We have a couple beautiful late blooming varieties for you to pick!
May 2nd, 2022 We open up for Mother's Day weekend! We have still lots and lots of beautiful tulips left to pick, some of them just start to bloom! There are also plenty photo ops available. However, tulip season does come to an end, which means some tulips are bloomed out and many tulips have been picked.
The tulip field is still very pretty, this picture was taken today.
May 1st, 2022 Because of the cooler weather of the past weeks , the tulips stay fresh much longer! We need to asses the field after this weekend, but think we can extend our season until Mother’s Day! Some tulips will be almost bloomed out, others are just starting! Most likely Wednesday we decide how many tickets we are going to sell for Mother’s Day weekend and we will notify you via our newsletter.
April 29, 2022 the Exeter farm is still in full bloom with plenty more to see and pick! We've released more dates (now through May 6) and even may be open after that.
April 25th, 2022 we had an fantastic opening weekend! We expect this year peak season to last 10-14 days. We are adding more days to our ticket box Wednesday or Thursday after we asses the field. The tulips love the cool temperature, it keeps them fresh! The field is looking gorgeous. About 80% of the flowers are in bloom.
Opening day was April 23rd!
April 22th, 2022 We are ready for our opening day tomorrow!! The field is looking amazing, we have over 50% of the tulips in bloom! Upcoming week is the best week to visit our Exeter RI location. It will be a short season. We expect our peak season to last for 2 weeks or less, meaning we most likely not be in peak bloom anymore with Mothers Day in Exeter RI. We hope/plan to release tickets for May 3rd- 6th for our Exeter location some time late next week. But we wait until we are sure we have enough flowers in bloom. This depends on the qty of visitors we receive upcoming week.
April 20th, 2022 the field gets prettier every hour! Opening day will be this Saturday!!
We are sending our 1st ticket alert email tomorrow (Thursday) at 4pm! Tickets will be available to all newsletter subscribers first, before we post it to the general public. Sign up here http://eepurl.com/hJeggH or scroll down on our homepage to find signup form.
April 19th, 2022 We are getting very close to opening day!! Most likely we send our Ticket-newsletter out Thursday and have our opening day this Saturday! There is a small chance we open Friday - we have to see what the flowers do the next days. We only open when we believe we can 'Wow" our customers! The tulips grow very quickly this time of the year. We often get the question, what is the best time to visit? The answer I give is any day we are open, is the best day! Peak bloom is only 8-10 days or so. We don't expect to be in peak bloom with Mother's Day in Exeter RI - Plan on visiting our Preston CT farm if you want to come with Mother's Day. Or celebrate it early and come to Exeter RI!
See below some pictures of today's field in Exeter RI.

April 15th, 2022 A new tulip we got this year is Dreamer - what a beauty!

April 15th, 2022 First blooming bed of tulips! This is Sunny Prince, we have several "prince" tulips. These are very strong/long lasting tulips, blooming early season. We have Sunny/Purple/White and Candy Prince. They start short but growing about an inch per day!
April 10th, 2022 More blooming tulips! These are “Sunny Prince” tulips. When they just start to bloom they are very short. But this hardy Single Early will grow another 6-8” within 10 days or so. It seems to be a relatively early season. Originally we said opening will be around April 27th, but we think it is fair to say that it will be a couple days sooner. Maybe the 23rd…
April 5th, 2022 The first blooming tulip of the season! One out of a million!
April 4th, 2022 Our electric fence wasn't working for a couple days and a deer got to our tulips :( Luckily we planted A LOT of them so no worries. Nobody is going to notice it.
March 29th, 2022 Our new "entrance hut" - build with local lumber and craftmanship!
March 27th, 2022 Keriann, Kees & Jeroen are checking the field status, everything looks good!
March 25th, 2022 The first flower bud is showing itself!
March 25th, 2022 The tulips with variegated leaves are very pretty when they just some up!
March 21th, 2022 Checking the field with Kees. The tulips are growing happy and healthy. No sign of deer/bunny or other damage. Our electric fence is working! I am a little extra worried, because we had a lot of deer entering the field in the Fall, right after planting(before we had the fence up). They actually start eating/digging for the bulbs. Which is something I have not experienced before...
March 8th, 2022 Our first tulips are up, yay!
December 12th, 2021 The bulbs are ready for their winter sleep! Tulips need to be planted in the Fall because they need a "cold period" for about 12 weeks to bloom.
November 3rd, 2021 Below you see how close together we plant the bulbs. I still measure with metric system, usually I plant about 100 bulbs per meter. Our planter plants 4 rows (with 6 inches spacing), so 4 rows of +/-25 bulbs. The bulbs are not put straight up, but if they are planted upside down they still find the sun!
November 3rd, 2021 Rocks are the biggest challenge growing tulips in New England. This one is huge almost 5ft long! In Holland we have zero rocks....
November 2nd, 2021 Apparently there was an old rock wall buried where we wanted to plant our bulbs... We got help of Derek with his mini excavator.
Kees loved it!
October 29th, 2021 Kees is helping his papa to plant bulbs today! :)
October 24th, 2021 First day we try out the planter - we have to plant 1 million bulbs this season!!! +/- half a million in Exeter RI & half a million in CT.
October 22th, 2021 Kees is helping to prepare the field for planting and is picking up rocks!
October 22th, 2021 Farming is hard work but I love to be so much outside and see the sunrise and sunsets!
September 27th, 2021 Checking out the field with kees after it has been plowed the first time. Each year we plant the tulips in new "fresh" soil to prevent soil born diseases. We do a rotation of 1:4 meaning, we grow one year tulips and then 3 years we grow cover crops before we plant tulips again.
Maggie Pizzuti said:
I wish you would post what tulip varieties are available, like parrot tulips. If I have to buy tickets ahead and you don’t have them, I feel less than happy.
Eileen Kenny said:
I am a painter of tulips, tulips, tulips! Fields of tulips, vases of tulips and individual tulips. Yep, love your farm!!!! Thank you for the work you do so that others can enjoy each Spring and the awakening of nature.
Diana L Mandeville said:
Last year was my first time at your farm (Exeter). I’ve seen Holland’s tulip fields and dreamed of going some day. Now I have the farm of tulips right outside my doorstep, well maybe a wicked long hour drive away. 😅. I went alone but had many people in mind. I gave most away as Wicked early Mother’s Day flowers! I also preordered a variety pack of 50 bulbs. That’s a Wicked lot for my Wicked small garden space. I planted 2 rows, but some Wicked squirrels stole a few. I was extremely excited when I saw the first signs of Wicked tulips sprouting out of the ground! It was like Christmas because I had NO IDEA what my variety pack was filled with. Did I tell you I was wicked excited?! My tulips are mostly all blooming or ready to bloom now. I let my neighbor pick her favorite one because she thought they were Wicked pretty. My Wicked older sister and cousin really want to go this year. I’m Wicked excited to go back with them. I’ll definitely be buying another Wicked Tulip variety pack to make a third row of Wicked pretty tulips, and to fill in the Wicked big gaps the Wicked squirrels left me.
My 50th birthday just passed and I am Wicked happy that I bought these for myself. They made a Wicked good birthday gift. I highly recommend making the trip to see the rows and rows of beautiful tulips. They make a Wicked great gift, even to people turning 50, and not one of my friends or family complained about getting their Mother’s Day flowers Wicked early. Order the Variety pack. They’re all Wicked beautiful. See you there! I’ll be the Wicked big lady there with a Wicked big mouth. It’s a Wicked family trait!! LoL 😂
Teresa said:
I was searching for tulip farms in Virginia and came across your website. You make me want my own tulip farm (mine would have to be on a .3 acre lot, tho) Such a wonderful story of your success and I love the photos! Wish I lived closer to take advantage of your hard work. No need to publish this comment, I just wanted to send you a sweet comment about your blog.
S Auclair said:
Take my elderly mother every year. Anxiously awaiting ticket sales 🌷
Jan Hamilton said:
Loved my visit three years ago and hope to make it this year in RI. Wonder how south of the MA line you are.
Please put me on your watch list
Roy Jacobsen said:
What measures do you take to deal with deer predation?
Judith M Donohoe/ Florida said:
Thank you so much; my cousins are from Swansea, Massachusetts; I flew there yesterday to visit your tulip farm. I have been to the Netherlands several times; only once was I able to hit their peak tulip season. While your farm is not yet the Kugenhoff Gardens, you are on your way. We each have ten tulips and are taking them to family cemeteries soon.
Many thanks to you, and always good luck, health, and peace.🌷
Kayla Kanakry said:
Love this picture!
Suzanne Okerfelt said:
I love everything about Wicked Tulip Farm!
A kind , beautiful, calm moment in time!!!!❤️
Erika Ahern said:
I love your Tulips !! Best day of my year visiting your farm! Been going since 2015. It is my happy place