Bulb Crates for Sale in RI and CT

Stack-able plastic bulb crates have a number of indoor/outdoor uses for farms, schools, stores, home garden, basement storage, and more. We have hundreds of new crates become available during the fall at our Rhode Island and Connecticut farms. Bulb crates may have some dirt or plant matter on them.

Bulb Crate Sizes & Pricing (minimum 10 )

Small Bulb Crates $4/each
7” tall x 15 1/2” w x 23” long

Large Bulb Crates $6/each
9 1/2” tall x 15 1/2” wide x 23” long

Discount for orders over 100:  $5.50/each for large crates / $3.75/each for small crates

To Order

If you'd like to order plastic bulb crates, please email and indicate how many, and include some possible pick up times. Sorry, we do not ship bulb crates. We will confirm your pickup by email. No walk-ups please!

stackable farm crates

- springtime visits-

What to Expect

Each spring, we open up our farms during peak bloom times for ticketed guests to gaze, walk and pick tulips to take home!

Learn a bit more of what to expect in this video, and read Visitor 101 for costs, policies and access.

- photography -


We have guidelines for visitor photography such as no drones, no props or lights in our fields, and going gently around guests and tulips.

We require all professional photographers to schedule their shoots.